
Looking after the footpaths, for the enjoyment of the community

Purton Parish Council aid the maintenance of footpaths within the community working closely with a dedicated team of volunteers, land owners and Wiltshire Council to keep the 161 footpaths accessible and open.

This week (w/c 13th May 2024) the Footpath Team have been working to clear ‘short edge’ PURT131.

The Parish Council office also has maps for sale of all the footpaths within the Parish.

CLICK HERE to view the Public Rights of Way Map
Click Here to view the Statement to accompany the Definitive Map
Click Here to view the Report from the Informal Rights of Way meeting held on 15th August 2024

Purton 94 Bagbury Lane - Diversion Order To View the Sealed Confirmed Order - Click Here
The Wiltshire Council Purton 94 Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2023 - Click Here
Extended Temporary Closure of: Footpath 89, Purton - until 16th May 2025
To view the Temporary Closure Notice -
Click Here

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FP118, off Lower Pavenhill, new hand rail required.
FP122, off Garsdon Rd, new handrail to bridge.
FP75, near road B4553, stile needs repair.
Jnct FP37/43 Lower Pavenhill, stile needsrepair.


FP159 near railway, new stile and handrail installed.
FP73A towards Moulden Hill, fallen tree removed.
Braydon FP2, new sleeper bridge, step & handrail.
FP95 towards Ringsbury Camp, faulty kissing gate fixed.
FP31A, off Packhorse, new rails fitted to stile.
FP31A Packhorse, handrail added to sleeper bridge.
FP13, off solar panel track, loose post fixed.
FP19, off Bentham Lane, new stile installed.
FP51, off Vasterne Close, new stile installed.
FP40, Stank steps, new step fitted.

FP100, towards Ringbury, new sleeper installed to bridge.
Jnct FP34/43 off Hoggs Lane, new post fitted,
FP72, off Hyde Lane, rail refitted to stile,
FP64, towards Down Farm. Sleeper bridge repaired.
FP31A, off Packhorse Corner, new handrail to bridge.
FP31A, Packhorse Corner, new stile fitted.
FP30, near Haxmoor Farm, new post to handrail.
Jnct FP35/31B, new step fitted.
FP59 at Mopes Lane, broken step mended.
FP14A, at Bentham Lane, new stile required.
FP6 off Stoke Common Lane, stile needs repairs.
FP100, off Ringsbury, sponsored kissing gate installed.
Braydon FP 5, off Minety Road, new step fitted.
Braydon FP5, off Garsdon Rd, stile stabilised .
FP Braydon 8 at Red Lodge, new stile installed.
FP64, at railway line, new step by landowner. 
FP30, near Haxmoor Farm, stile repaired.  
FP41 off Upper Pavenhill, new step installed.
FP81, towards the cricket ground, drainage and scalpings added to the muddy area.

7 - Purton Stoke -------- Loose post to stile -------- Work to be completed by Landowner
FP27 - Purton Stoke -------- Repairs to bridge required --------- Work to be completed by Landowner

Work Completed this week by the Footpath Team - 04-11-24
This week the Team cleared a number of fallen trees in Brockhurst Wood on PURT103 and PURT28B.

To see a list of outstanding work to be carried out by Wiltshire Council
Click Here

To see a list of completed work on Footpaths in the Parish of Purton during 2016 Click Here

To see a list of completed work on Footpaths in the Parish of Purton during 2017 Click Here                                               
To see a list of completed work on Footpaths in the Parish of Purton during
2018 Click Here

To see a list of completed work on Footpaths in the Parish of Purton during
2019 Click Here

To see a list of completed work on Footpaths in the Parish of Purton during 2020 Click Here

To see a list of completed work on Footpaths in the Parish of Purton during 2021 Click Here

To see a list of completed work on Footpaths in the Parish of Purton during 2022 Click Here

To see a list of completed work on Footpaths in the Parish of Purton during 2023 Click Here

To see a list of completed work on Footpaths in the Parish of Purton during 2024 Click Here

Report of informal meeting to discuss footpath problems with Wiltshire Council held 15th November 2023

Stephen Leonard
Barry Pitts
Peter Andrews
Jim Mosley
Lesley Miles

Stephen opened the meeting with details of some major issues they must deal with following the recent intense rainfall.
They were not in our Parish but of interest being two large foot bridges over a river washed away and a major landslip at the White Horse at Broad Town affecting the footpath below.

Stephen thanked all members of the Footpath Team for their work on Purton’s footpaths.

Stephen then reported some good news in that a bridleway gate would be installed by the landowner to replace a field gate on Bridleway148 near the solar panel array. We pointed out that this bridleway up to the level crossing was very overgrown, we had cleared it for walking, but it was not usable by horses at this time.

Also, Bridleway15 at Bentham Lane had been cleared but no action to overcome the flooding would be taken at this stage.

We raised a problem with a very high step at the river bridge on FP77. Stephen suggested we install two wooden steps there.
Next year he said work would be carried out to improve the footpath in this area which gets very muddy and asked if we may be able to provide labour to help.
At that time the high step could be improved with a concrete addition.

We queried a metal kissing gate in this area which appears to be redundant. Stephen said he knows the landowner and will contact them to see if it is ok for us to dig it out and re-use it elsewhere.

We raised a problem with the line of FP37 off Upper Pavenhill needing resolving. Stephen said he would meet us there in the new year to discuss this.

We then went through the items from the previous meeting. The following are resolved -
FP26 at Purton Stoke. The Footpath Team have replaced the waymarkers which had been removed.
FP50 off Vasterne Hill, access now sorted and pedestrian gate installed at boundary hedge.
FP107 behind Hooks Hill. Although ownership is still not known the Footpath Team have kept it strimmed.
We identified our priority items for Stephen to resolve and they remain the same -
FP161 at Francomes Hill, the muddy surface needs improving. Stephen said it was still his intention to help with this.
FP46A off Vasterne Hill. Padlocked gate on one of our stile free walks.
FP3 to Blakehill currently unusable. Requires landowner’s permission to install two stiles.
FP124 to Blakehill - currently unavailable. We do not want to lose the offer from Wiltshire Wildlife for a permissive path from their boundary onto the Reserve.

Other outstanding issues are -
FP12 from Bentham Lane, official line blocked by fences.
FP59 requires bridge of some sorts over ditch which gets flooded. Landowner’s permission required.
Access to Bridleway146 is not available at its junction with 149, White Lodge area, previous gate now removed.
FP68 off Collins Lane opposite Diana Lodge. Footpath unavailable.
FP7 from FP4, footpath unavailable. Stile required in hedgerow. We would like to make this footpath available as an alternative to the problem FP6.
FP99 Common Farm - Landowner querying route through garden. Footpath is currently walkable, but route is contentious.
FP99 & 119, no stiles in new fence to track to Common Farm.
FP57 Witts Lane to Henley’s Corner. Stephen had met members of the Footpath Team to check out the feasibility of opening this footpath. Part should certainly be possible and contact to be made with the landowner.
FP61 New Road end - no access across wide ditch.
FP30 Watkins Corner – we to pursue with the landowner making the farm access track a permissive path.
FP5 on B4696 - Fingerpost required.
Junction FP152/153, Lower Farm Purton Stoke, bridleway gate removed, no access.

Kissing gates
FP44 onto Vasterne Hill, permission required to change stile to a kissing gate. Stephen was in contact with tenant who is reluctant to give permission.

The following were not discussed but are longstanding issues and have still to be sorted.
We have a small number of footpaths and bridleways which are currently unavailable and would like to make them available if possible whilst acknowledging that some are difficult to resolve.
FP43 Lower Pavenhill - only available as a footpath. SL had met with a member of the British Horse Riding Society to discuss the route but no progress yet with the landowner.
FP34 New Farm, Bentham - route not accessible.
An additional problem in this area is FP14A onto Bentham Lane not on the official line.
FP123 and 133 Queen Street - route not accessible.
Braydon FP3 - route not accessible through Highbarn Farm.

The next meeting with Stephen to be arranged in 6 months’ time

Maps and leaflets updated 29th August 2023

The Parish Council office has maps for sale of all the footpaths in Purton Parish.

A colour A0 size map is £18.00, A1 size map is £9.00, A2 size is £6.00 and A3 size is £1.50. We also have some footpath booklets for sale of suggested routes to walk with varying distances around the parish at a cost of £1.50 each.

A new style route map is available from the Council offices - Walk 4, Ringsbury Camp & Greenhill distance is 5.3 miles. Walk 5, Canals and Railways', the distance is a little over 5 miles. Walk 7, Two Churches, distance 3.3 miles. Walk 15, The Battle Walk distance 3.9 miles. These Walk Leaflets are 50p each.

Click Here to print off Walk 4 - Ringsbury Camp and Greenhill.
Click Here to print off Walk 5 - Canals and Railways.
Click Here to print off Walk 7 - Two Churches.
Click Here to print off Walk 15 - The Battle Walk

Need to get in touch with the Council?