Recreation & Play Areas

Purton Parish Council are very proud of the open and green spaces surrounding our Parish

Purton Parish Council provides a selection of public play parks and recreational spaces within Purton. The play area and recreation committee, comprising of Parish Councillors, meets quarterly to discuss any current issues and future enhancement projects. These are public meetings so any one with an interest is welcome to attend.

The play park is located on the Purton War Memorial and Village Centre Charity site, Church Street and is maintained and funded solely by the Parish Council. The Play Park consists of play items within an enclosed area providing a safe and accessible area for children. No dogs allowed.

The skate park is managed by Purton Parish Council and is located on the Purton War Memorial and Village Centre Charity grounds on Church Street, Purton.

A mixed ability concrete ramp for all ages. Please be considerate in the use of this facility whilst sharing the space. There is a youth shelter located to the side for seating and various recycling options for your litter. If you need to report an issue please contact the Parish Council Offices on 01793 771066 or email

COVID-19 Safety Regulations

This is a smaller park designed for younger children up to age 12. This was refurbished in 2014 by the Parish Council utilising Parish Planning development funds (Section 106 monies). There are several picnic tables and benches along side the grassed area which are widely used throughout the year. There are a few free car parking spaces opposite the park.

Need to get in touch with the Council?