
Purton Parish Council is the sole trustee to The Purton Charitable Trust

Our Councillors as individuals are not trustees but they have a responsibility to ensure that the Parish Council manages the charity in accordance with the rules of the Charity Commission and charity law.

The Charity Commission advises: ‘The charity needs to be independent of the local authority in the sense that decisions about the administration and operation of the charity need to be taken solely in the interests of the charity, with a view to furthering its charitable purposes, and for no other purpose.

Purton Institute and Village Hall

The Charity was set up by a trust deed in 1892, when James Henry Sadler made a gift of land and buildings comprising the workmen’s institute. In 1896 the Purton Parish Council became the sole Trustee which now forms part of The Purton Charitable Trust.

The objectives of the CIO are (1) The provision and maintenance of a Village Hall for use of the inhabits of the Parish of Purton without distinction of political, religious or other opinions(2) to provide and promote the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation in the interests of social welfare, health and wellbeing and with the object of improving the condition of life for the benefit of the inhabitants of Purton and the surrounding areas without distinction of political, religious or other opinions.

On the 30th September after several years of discussion, behind the scenes changes, the former three charities, The Purton War Memorial and Village Centre, The Purton Institute and Village Hall and Play Close Charity merged to form the new CIO (Charity Incorporated Organisation) The Purton Charitable Trust, Registration no 1202163.
The decision was taken by the Council members, sole trustee of the former charities, to enable joint administration, management, contractor appointment, grant application, and shared policy and internal controls, considered to be more effective and efficient by the Council members at the time of consideration.
The work will continue to ensure all our current policies and formats are changed to reflect the newly formed charity. Our responsibilities have not changed, and our new Constitution and registered details can be found on the Charity Commission website as follows
The Parish Council are committed to continue to provide the services of the charity to the People of Purton and the wider community.

Today the Institute Building is leased by Wiltshire Library and Purton Historical Society whose museum is on the top floor. Purton Parish Council’s Office are located in the caretakers old residence. The Village Hall was added in the 1960’s and is used for Parish Council meetings and hired to local groups and individuals for social activities.

With the support of Gigaclear, Purton Village Hall has a fully installed internet access option for hirers.

Purton War Memorial and Village Centre

The charity was originally set up in 1946 with the Parish Council as the sole trustee, which now forms part of The Purton Charitable Trust, its objectives are:

The objectives of the CIO are (1) The provision and maintenance of a Village Hall for use of the inhabits of the Parish of Purton without distinction of political, religious or other opinions(2) to provide and promote the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation in the interests of social welfare, health and wellbeing and with the object of improving the condition of life for the benefit of the inhabitants of Purton and the surrounding areas without distinction of political, religious or other opinions.

On the 30th September after several years of discussion, behind the scenes changes, the former three charities, The Purton War Memorial and Village Centre, The Purton Institute and Village Hall and Play Close Charity merged to form the new CIO (Charity Incorporated Organisation) The Purton Charitable Trust, Registration no 1202163.
The decision was taken by the Council members, sole trustee of the former charities, to enable joint administration, management, contractor appointment, grant application, and shared policy and internal controls, considered to be more effective and efficient by the Council members at the time of consideration.
The work will continue to ensure all our current policies and formats are changed to reflect the newly formed charity.
Our responsibilities have not changed, and our new Constitution and registered details can be found on the Charity Commission website as follows:-
The Parish Council are committed to continue to provide the services of the charity to the People of Purton and the wider community.

The Charity land supports a variety of recreation including a playground, skatepark and large open grassed area. The Parish Council pays for the maintenance and upkeep of the play equipment.

Various clubs are licenced to enjoy the facilities, these include:  Purton Tennis, Purton Bowls and Purton Football. The Red House building was deemed surplus to requirements in 1995.
Purton Red House is now under a trading arm managed by the Charity.

PURTON RED HOUSE is under lease to Chris Martin
For more information email Chris at
Telephone - 01793 290600

Purton Play Close SN5 4DP

Originally set up in 1641 gifted by a local land owner with the Purton Charitable Trust as the sole trustee.  Objectives of this charity:

For use as a place of exercise and recreation for the common good and benefit of the young, youthful and other inhabitants of the parish.

The Parish Council provide and maintain a playground on the land and grassed area.

Need to get in touch with the Council?