Purton Parish Council Pursues Carbon Reduction Plan
Back to overviewMarch 30, 2023
As part of Purton Parish Council recognising the global Climate Change Emergency, it is working on several initiatives to integrate Carbon Reduction into its work.
To date, Purton Parish Council has explored large initiatives such as solar energy generation and electric car charging, as well as smaller but equally important plans around more sustainable planting, which would better support pollinators.
This year, Purton Parish Councillors are now eagerly awaiting their first look at two potential new vehicles, which could be used by the Grounds Team Members, which could enable the Council’s move towards cleaner electric energy.
These two trials will offer Purton’s Councillors, Council Officers, and the Grounds Team an up-close opportunity to learn more about the difference that an electric utility truck could make to the environment and to the work carried out in the village by Purton Parish Council. To give time to learn more, one vehicle will be tested for a day whilst the other will be made available for a week.
Parish Clerk Deborah Lawrence said:
“We’re passionate about doing what we can at Purton Parish Council to reduce our Carbon Footprint and to support our environment in positive ways. This is one idea that we’re exploring, and we’ll bring forth a package of changes to Council later this year.”