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June 10, 2024

The Parish Council over the last year has successfully lobbied Wiltshire Council to obtain a speed reduction on this section of road from that of 60mph to 40mph however it would like to further reduce the speed limit on the section of road from the Cemetery entrance (existing 30mph limit) to the Church End junction where once again one enters a 30mph limit.

Such a proposal would negate motorists leaving a 30mph limit entering a 40mph limit and back into a 30mph limit when travelling onward towards The Fox and vice versa.

You will have seen the new white gate and Purton sign adjacent to the Weir pond when coming towards the Church End junction from Lydiard, positioning a 30mph speed limit sign at this location would not only complement the new gate/sign but more importantly would regularise the 30mph limit already imposed within the Village, Church End and The Fox, it would also create a further safety enhancement for those crossing the road from Church Path.

In order to fully achieve this objective we need your help, the proposal on the Manor Hill speed reduction to 40mph will be advertised by Wiltshire Council in the coming weeks within the local press (Wiltshire Gazette and Herald, on the Wiltshire Council website and by the Parish Council via our notice boards and webpage) a further notice will also be in the Parish magazine (depending on publication dates).

Should you agree with the Parish Council’s proposal then you need to write to or e-mail Wiltshire Council making reference to section 1 of the speed assessment report between the existing 30mph limit and that of Manor Farm junction (Church End).

Your support would be very much appreciated, in doing so you would be helping to create a safer environment for all.

Cllr Geoff Greenaway