Update On The Purton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Revision

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November 25, 2024

Purton Parish Council completed its Regulation 14 Neighbourhood Plan Consultation, in September and October of this year, within which it found that the majority of public feedback received, related to Policy PUR17 and the South Sites.

In response, Neighbourhood Planning Consultants ONH offered to meet with Parish Councillors to answer their questions, in a meeting on 11th of November.

Following this, the Council then considered a notion put forwards by Consultants ONH, that it may wish to make some significant Modifications (changes) to its Neighbourhood Plan Revision, at the Purton Parish Council Meeting, on the same evening.

In response to all of the information obtained, Purton Parish Council then decided, to make both the recommended Modifications put forwards by Consultants ONH, and also to request further evidence regarding the South Sites, to further guide its future inclusion.

Moving forwards, it is expected that both a Modified version of the Purton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Revision and the further evidence requested, will be provided for the next Full Council meeting on Monday 10th of February 2025, when the Council will again reflect on the future of Policy PUR17 and the South Sites.

Of particular note, is that when making decisions on the 10th of February 2025, Purton Parish Council will also need to consider other important factors such as: the feedback put forwards by Statutory Consultees; significant changes to both the local and national planning environments; and the information available on the three current planning appeals, for housing developments on the edge of the village.

Further, Purton Parish Council, will also need to consider with care, the significant importance and value of having an effective Neighbourhood Plan Revision in place, with a view to ensuring that the best outcomes possible can be achieved for its residents, given all the relevant factors involved.

Members of the public are able to attend the Council Meeting on 10th of February 2025 at 7.00pm at Purton Village Hall to learn more. Members of the public planning to attend, may wish to note that Public Participation time is offered for a limited period at the start of the meeting, to ensure that all necessary matters are considered by Council. Should questions exceed the time available or require further information to address them, answers may be given at a later date following the meeting.