PL202500385 - Northcote, 66 High Street, Purton, Swindon, SN5 4AD.
Conversion of integral garage into habitable space. Single storey rear extension. Render to all elevations with slate grey composite cladding. All windows to be double glazed anthracite units. Detached double garage & all associated works.
No Objections.
PL202409839 and PL202410051 - Land at Pry Farm, B4553, Swindon, SN5 4JP.
Conversion of a former agricultural barn to provide one residential dwelling (Use Class C3) with associated parking and garden. Listed building consent(Alt/Ext).
No Objections.
PL/2024/11530 - 14-16 Widham, Purton, Swindon, SN5 4HP.
Single storey side / rear extension.
No Objection.