PL/2025/00968, Village Centre Sports Ground, Church Street, Purton.
Proposed Mesh Fence 35m x 4.5m plus 10m x 2.4m either side. Positioned behind goal.
PL202501091, Bridge Paddocks, Leigh, Swindon, SN6 6RQ.
Extension of existing site to accommodate additional 4 mobile homes 4 touring caravans and 5 dayrooms. No Objection but highlighted concerns regarding the discharge of foul water, on site waste storage, including storage for works to the site taking up valuable space and use of allocated caravan only space, and to ensure that the touring accommodation is limited to visiting family of those permanently sited.
The following comment was sent to Wiltshire Council from Purton Parish Council.
Proposal to Extend the existing site to accommodate an additional 4.No mobile homes. (permanent pitches) 4.No touring caravan pitches and 5.No day rooms.
Purton Parish Council recognizes the need to accommodate the requirements of Gypsies and Travellers in terms of living and recreational space within the County.
It is also mindful of the Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan document as part of core policy 47 approved by Wiltshire Council for submission to the Secretary of State.
Within that document and subsequent papers it outlines a requirement for a further Two permanent pitches to be sited at Bridge Paddocks on land to the South of the existing site with its own independent access (Policy GT15 within the GTAA) to which it should be noted that this site is remote from the existing site and in close proximity to the railway line.
The application (PL/2025/01091) seeks to extend the existing Bridge Paddocks site whilst utilising a separate access and therefore may be deemed not as an extension but as a completely new application on land outside that of the existing site in order to accommodate a higher number of static/touring caravan pitches over/above those as outlined within Wiltshire Councils Development Plan Document.
It should also be noted that the proposed development area is sited under the Google mapping system as Braydon Residential Park.Should the proposal be deemed acceptable by the planning authority all be it a departure from the Development Plan Document in terms of numbers applicable to Bridge Paddocks we would request the particular attention be paid to the following concerns being that of access into/out of the site, creation of the appropriate site lines/road splays etc, disposal of both surface and foul water as there appears to be no suitable ditch network to accommodate the potential volume of water generated from the proposed day rooms in terms of personal hygiene etc.
That any vehicle connection should the proposal be approved be stopped up in relation to association with the existing development known as Bridge Paddocks.
PL202501220, Elborough Bridge Road Cottage, Purton Road, Purton SN5 4JX.
Proposed outbuilding for gym/home office. No Objection
PL202501241, 103 Pavenhill, Purton, Swindon, SN5 4DB
Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on PL/2023/03012 - 3no windows to front elevation reduced to 2no windows and taken away the side light to door on rear elevation. No Objection