MARCH 2025

Permission Granted by Wiltshire Council

PL/2024/07909, 34 Vasterne Close, Purton, Swindon, Wilts, SN5 4EZ.
Change of use from agricultural land to residential land and erection of a garden shed.
Approve with Conditions.
PL/2024/07678, 5 Vasterne Hill, Purton, Swindon, SN5 4HH.
Change of use of ~0.5 acres from agricultural to residential, to include removal of an existing hedgerow, installation of a new stockproof fence and mixed native hedgerow along the boundary. Reinstatement and improvement of the ditch system. Extension to the gravel hardstanding driveway and an extension to an existing raised deck area. Shed and a greenhouse to the northern boundary.
Approve with Conditions.
PL/2024/10465 - Householder Application 15 Webbs Place, Purton, Swindon SN5 4FU

Log cabin in rear garden – Retrospective.  
Approve with Conditions.